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Our Admission Policies
The Apprenticeship Exploration School is a public charter school open to Rhode Island students from 9 to 12th Grade. By Rhode Island Law and regulations from the Rhode Island Department of Education, students are admitted to AES by lottery. This lottery determines which applicants are enrolled the following school year.
This year the lottery takes place on April 1, 2024.
The Acceptance Process
When an applicant is accepted to AES, we will send acceptance letter to you by mail.
You will have fifteen (15) business days after the postmarked date on the notification letter to return this form to the Admissions Office.
Along with this form, you need to submit: a copy of birth certificate, proof of address (current utility bill),authorization to release school record form, prior school records, and special education records such as IEP and/or 504.
If we do not hear from you within fifteen (15) days, we will make every attempt to contact you by the deadline. If no form has been returned by the deadline, the student’s space may be given to the next eligible student on the waiting list.
Parents who are not available at the home address listed on the application form during the notification period should contact AES to make other arrangements.
Wait-listed Applicants
As space becomes available, students on the wait list will be offered a spot in the order of the random lottery assignment.
Siblings Preference Policy
AES has created the Sibling Preference Policy to help families with more than one child in school. Enrollment preference is given to applicants whose siblings are enrolled at AES. We define siblings as children that share the same parent, guardian and/or caregiver, and reside in the same household. When a lottery takes place, siblings will be admitted first, if space is available. When a waiting list exists for a particular grade, siblings will be placed 1st on the waiting list. If there is more than one sibling to be placed on the waiting list for a particular grade, a siblings’ lottery will be done in order to assign them a position on this waiting list
When the admissions lottery takes place, current students’ siblings and children of employee will be admitted first, if space is available. When a waiting list exists for a particular grade, siblings or children of employees will be placed 1st on the waiting list. If there is more than one sibling and/or child of employees to be placed on the waiting list for a particular grade, a sibling/children of employees’ lottery will be done to assign them a position on this waiting list.
April 1, 2024
AES Lottery